I came online to write The Creative Process of Doing Something New and thought it was interesting that on my way here, I found the following in my daily horoscope. I don't know how much stock I put in the validity of horoscopes, but for whatever reason, I read mine almost every day. Here's what it said:
As you know, dear Taurus, you have reached a turning point in your life. The hardest part about making this decision is, as usual, saying farewell to your old ways. The past can seem so cozy and reassuring, especially when the unknown looms. It takes strength and determination to leave it behind. But whether it is a matter of your career or your love life, you have personal goals that cannot be sacrificed or denied.
The process of leaving our comfort zones and doing something new can either be daunting or exciting depending on our mindset. Is this change something we are actually passionate about, or something we are forced into doing for various reasons? Are we the type of personality that continually reaches for a higher branch or are we happy to stay in the same place, painting or designing in the same style year after year?
Most people when facing a change or personal challenge might find it stressful, but it doesn't have to be. It can be a really cool, exciting thing. It can inspire you and the other people around you. It can transform your life and your art in the most remarkable ways. Kids are often fearless in trying new things and its not until we grow older that we tend to get stuck in the day to day excuses of why we shouldn't, couldn't, wouldn't be able to test new waters. Sometimes we don't even realize we are stuck...
Regardless of whether the change is self imposed or brought upon us, I absolutely believe that exploration and change is good. And as creatives most of us are looking for expansion in our art, our design and in our lives. There is a creative process, I believe, that occurs when we decide to expand our horizons. Just as when we contemplate the start of a new project, the same can be said when we ourselves are the project. It takes bravery and determination but the end result is always something we can be proud of because whether we fail or succeed, at least we gave it a shot and we are not in the same spot we were 6 months ago. We've grown.
When was the last time you painted in a different palette? Explored a new medium or just messed around with a new software application for the sake of playing? Here's a list of a few things that might help get you started:
- Try a new medium or experiment with a new style that has inspired you. Pick up a crayon and draw with the fearlessness and excitment of a 6 year old.
- Be fearless. Your experiments don't have to go public until you are ready for them do so. Take baby steps until you get close to the final result.
- Do a "brain dump". Don't think. Just write down everything that comes to mind, draw it out, take note of certain words and ideas and put it all on a sheet of paper. Let your mind be free to wander.
- What were your goals two years ago? Five years ago? Have you met those goals or discovered new goals? Write your goals down. Seven years ago I made a "5 year plan". It was very satisfying when at the end of that five year time period I reviewed that plan and found I nailed almost every single goal.
- Surround yourself with motivated, inspirational people.
- Sample a new food, a new drink; watch a different type of movie. Sometimes it is just the little things that accumulate in day to day living which make all the difference.
- Rearrange or redecorate your studio or office. Every time you walk into the place it will remind you to pursue something new and unique.
There are so many things to explore and learn. I'm feeling inspired and maybe it is because the sun is shining again here in the Northeast or maybe because I just feel the need to design something new, use a new format, think in a new way, and travel to new places...but I encourage all of you to design yourself.
Suggested Reading: A great book. Lovely design. Handy to hold and take with you and can be used again and again to inspire you and keep you on task as you explore your art and your life.
Design Yourself
by Karim Rashid
Rethinking the way you live, love, work and play