The art world, the design world, advertising and PR are all such competitive fields. Throw them all together in a mix such as arts management and the competition becomes fierce! So what do you do if someone should circumvent the unspoken rules of good business decorum and oversteps the line into your stable? Sometimes it's just a matter of poor communication but whether the offense has been by accident, malicious intention or just because of plain stupidity it is always good to take a reality check and reflect. So what is one to do when ignoring a "red flag" just plain bad business sense?
- Always remain diplomatic and polite
- Always continue to do your job to the best of your ability
- Be a professional
- Remember bad business practice reflects worse on the offender then it does on you.
- Re-access your own business practices, goals and strategies
- Competition is flattering...when people start competing with you it's because you have become a force!
- Retain and believe in the loyalty of your clients and associates. Surround yourself with a base you can trust and prove to your base again and again that the trust is well warranted.
- Read Machiavelli?
I like to think that most players can work together and support each other but sometimes there are those who just don't like to play nice.
- The bottom line is...while maintaining your professional attitude...Watch your back, be smart, work harder and don't let it happen to you again.