I've found that watching less news on TV makes for a much less stressful life. (I watched A LOT of news...CNN, MSNBC, BBC, international news, Bloomberg.) For the last week or so, I've shut down my TV and have found I'm a much happier person. I'm much less stressed and best of all I seem to be able to accomplish more during the course of my day. I'm not sure if it is because I'm not getting that constant feed of what I see as a contemptible administration or if it is because I don't have the constant noise of news, explosions, gun fire, crying children and such coming into my office, living room and bedroom on a 24 hour basis. Lately I do my reading in silence. I conduct my work with only the hand picked sounds coming from my ipod. I have to tell you, it's a big improvement and my days and nights are peaceful...for the most part :) Because I will always remain a "news junkie" perhaps I'll start a new routine and get my news from print while sipping a venti caffe mocha at the new Starbucks in town.