I've been reading some terrific articles over at Newsweek on Women on Leadership. Some of the titles are Women Leaders: 10 Power Tips, Twenty Woman on Leadership, and Lessons We Have Learned. I thought I'd write up some power tips of my own. These tips really can apply to men and women in any field.
1. Work really hard. Your work isn't a hobby, it isn't a game. Commit yourself and force yourself past the exhaustion. Sacrifices will have to be made but the dividends in the end will pay off. Others will take you seriously if you take you seriously. The bottom line is a quality product and results delivered.
2. Own it. Take responsibility for the success and the set backs. The only guarantee for failure is if you quit. The buck stops with you.
3. Keep it professional. To the outside world you are in control, confident and things are great. It isn't about friendship and it's not the place to relate all that ails you. Don't play the coquette. Little girl eyes and sympathy don't make it in the business world.
4. Listen.
5. Have the heart of the warrior. Believe in yourself and your goal. Take no prisoners and cut negative influences and people out of the picture. If a partnership or alliance isn't working out, end it and move on.
6. Be a builder, not a wrecker. Treat people with respect. Don't shout at them, degrade them, throw temper tantrums or back stab. Keep your commitments. Call a coworker, fellow artist or associate if you know they have had a success. Reward when a reward is due. Don't be ungrateful.
7. Get paid what you are worth and don't be afraid to ask for it. We don't work for free and we don't work for under what we deserve. If someone doesn't want to pay you your asking price...tell them to move on. Don't work on spec point them toward your portfolio. Managing you own money (and your own life) is empowering. Go for it with gusto.
8. Do all things creatively. I had dinner with a long time client we discussed the philosophy of a business woman and artist whom my client admired. The advice given was "do all things, especially those things you don't like to do, with creativity".