During this last week of celebration of America's independence, I feel good. I remember the TV show FRIENDS where Phoebe and Joey debated the unlikely notion of "the selfless act." This last week I have taken steps to reach beyond my own borders to help others who are in greater need than myself. I wanted to reach out and learn more about strangers in need. On this week of America's independence I wanted to in my own small way provide a tiny shred of independence for someone else...or at least begin to work in that direction. It was to be a "selfless act" but it didn't turn out to be so. My efforts (only just begun) feel really really good. I feel connected to something bigger than myself and it is incredibly satisfying on a deep emotional level. It is a feeling I haven't experienced before.
What does this have to do with design? Well, really not much. This post won't talk about making a great online portfolio, or how to market your art. But... it is my firm belief that as a designer and as a citizen of this world, I need to have a solid understanding of current events and issues effecting my neighbors on a global scale. I believe that as a designer I need to have a basic understanding of different cultures and that the field of graphic design is uniquely positioned toward ethics and social responsibility. I believe that significant damage has been done to the reputation of our nation during the present administration and I believe that leaving repair up to a handful of politicians is not going to be terribly effective..regardless of their party. I believe that it is the people who can make a difference as long as we don't all sit in front of our TVs grumbling over the state of the things and do nothing. We must move. We must act. And it is through this action that we might not only better someone else's life, strengthen diplomatic bonds between nations, but also experience that amazing feeling that comes with the "selfless act."
For those of you who read ArtLOOK regularly, you might already know that I have taken the pledge at Eric Karjaluoto's Design Can Change regarding issues surrounding global warming. I believe this is an issue we should all be concerned with and act upon. Making lifestyle changes toward this end, even the smallest changes (replacing light bulbs, using both sides of the paper in our printers), should be givens just as we wake up each morning and brush our teeth. Designers, please consider taking the pledge.
Participating in one movement or concern shouldn't necessarily prevent us from caring about or participating in others. Additional concerns I have are:
HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Education for children and women in developing countries
Clean water for all
I don't consider myself a terribly religious person; however, I know that rather than having religion tear us apart it can, (and should) bring us together. Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions all speak of the tenets on care for the widow, the orphan and the stranger. This is a common bond. From a political standpoint, lets look to the 2008 presidential candidates to inquire what they would do for the poorest in the world. As Bono states in the July issue of Vanity Fair "It's hard to hate a country which puts your kids in school and gives medication to save your husbands life."
Books and publications: I have read the following to better educate myself on a variety of topics. I recommend them to you:
The Mighty Heart by Mariane Pearl: Story of Wall Street Journalist, Daniel Pearl
Dispatches From the Edge - Anderson Cooper
Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin (excellent excellent!)
Note from my Travels - Angelina Jolie
The Assault on Reason - Al Gore
July Issue of Vanity Fair, Africa - Co edited by Bono (pick it up at the newsstand or visit the VF website)
Websites I have visited and read:
Save the Children
The One Campaign - Devoted to fighting extreme poverty and HIV/AIDS
Ryan's Well - Amazing story of ONE boy making a difference. H20 For Africa
One Shared World
Global Volunteers International
Vanity Fair, Africa
Vanity Fair, Green - sorry folks but each time I tried to access this site for the URL it crashed my browser! But you can find the issue of this magazine in your local library, I'm sure.
Live Earth
Websites encouraging artistic expression and marketing for artists of developing countries:
Aid for Artisans - Please see my article in the August issue of INK (distributed in CT)
Steps I have taken thus far:
In addition to signing the pledge for Design Can Change, I have joined Live Earth. I hope some of you were able to enjoy yesterday's amazing concerts from around the world and that the program offered you some ways in which you might be able to assist saving this beautiful planet.
I have also added my voice to The ONE Campaign. I have signed the Declaration, sent emails to Congressmen Joe Courtney, Senator Joseph Lieberman and Senator Chris Dodd. I have joined as a volunteer to ONE and will be writing newspapers to increase awareness and open discussions up about extreme poverty and HIV/AIDS. It is my hope that this post also serves as a start to my beginnings on opening up and continuing a dialog on these issues. I have made a small donation to ONE and will be also wearing my ONE wristband everyday with pride. A larger goal for myself, is to visit Tanzania in 2008 or 2009 to learn more about this area and to assist however I am needed. I have looked into Global Volunteers International and to this end, I will put a percentage of my earnings toward this goal.
When I have finished this post, I will email everyone I know inviting them to visit ArtLOOK and the resources listed here to learn more about sustainability and extreme poverty. I will send the URL to my contacts at the press and just about anyone else I can think of. I don't know if my words will fall upon deaf ears. I don't know who will take action. I don't know who will provide feedback but I know...Americans are among the most generous and kind hearted people in the world. And if ONE man, Greg Mortenson, can nearly single handedly begin a school building project in Pakistan and ONE boy, Ryan Hreljac, can build 266 wells providing clean water for Africa...I can certainly write a few articles and letters. If just one of you clicks the banner below and signs your voice to the ONE campaign, my time writing here is well spent. ONE is not looking for your money...just your signature and consideration. With the some of following good people signing the ONE declaration we would be in good company: Claudia Schiffer, Bono, Dave Matthews, Danny Glover, Bob Geldof, No Doubt, John Cusack, Kate Hudson, George Clooney, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Kate Bosworth, Liam Neeson, Susan Sarandon, Steve Buscemi, Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt, Heidi Klum, Tom Hanks. Already almost 2.5 million Americans have signed up for the ONE campaign...Please join us.
I think this is a great idea - and have been pretty impressed with the buzz and no-kidding-action that seems to have come from things like Live Earth.
Thanks for adding your voice and presence to the fight against things like extreme poverty, HIV, etc... I'll poke around on some of those links too and will be sure to do my part too.
Thanks for the encouragement and example!
Posted by: Dan Ward | July 08, 2007 at 07:11 PM
Wow!!! Those are heavy topics!!
When I read about other countries and all the problems they have, I think back to my childhood in the 1960's and all those innocent doe-eyed brown skinned kids shown walking around in squalor in T.V. ads. Then I realize something...that was 40 years ago..during 40 years and within my lifetime this problem has not been solved. Education does not work. Donations do not work. Volunteering does not work. In 2005 I spent 14 hours over two days driving a forklift for hurricane katrina victims aid. It did no good. Millions of tons of food and billions of dollars are shipped to these countries every year and where does it go? Not to the needy. When the fox is gaurding the henhouse the results are always predictable. Think Koffi Annan and Son.
By the way, where IS the great U.N. in all these matters? They have more money than I could imagine and they are useless so far.
Anybody that rides into a combat zone in a white vehicle wearing a blue beret is asking to be shot, anyway.
This earth is a lower vibrational exsistence and until a major consiousness
shift takes place we are stuck with what we have. I read at the end of this post the celebrity list that have signed on. What a joke. Most of those film celebrities made their money by starring in violent, brutal
and unrealistic portrayals of some bizarre
screen-writers imagination, while wielding firearms in the most ridiculous fashion, all the while influencing our youth and planting the seeds of social decay.
I challenge anybody to track the progress of these movements in 20 years and see if they made any difference. Morality cannot be legislated. All the laws and all the rules will never make this world a utopia.
Posted by: Mark Randall Kilburn | July 08, 2007 at 08:59 PM
Great post! It definitely feels great to DO something that contributes to a bigger cause and makes a difference, even if only a little bit. In fact, once you start giving, it's hard to stop! I love the concept of altruism and I think it's probably the most worthwhile thing in life to pursue...to give of yourself. I consider myself a Christian and as such, this is my highest calling. In fact, one the most encouraging times of my life has been over the last year aiding my wife as she trained for several marathons to raise funds for the Luekemia and Lymphoma Society. It was truly amazing to see how many lives are changed, and the comaradie shared, by people trying to make a difference in the lives of others. As you say it really does only take one person. I've recently decided to find some way to lend my engineering background and artistic talents to help better the environment and thus why I supported Live Earth. Hopefully, this is only the beginning!
Posted by: Gabe Mounce | July 09, 2007 at 07:41 PM
Oh yeah, there is one more great resource, too, for helping find stuff where people can make a difference:
It's based on the documentary of the same name, but there are some wonderful resources there.
Posted by: Gabe Mounce | July 09, 2007 at 07:44 PM
Thanks for your comments Gabe. Also for the additional info and link.
Posted by: Lisa | July 09, 2007 at 07:57 PM
I think we should have a 15 day waiting period for volcano eruptions...you know like a cooling off time....just in case.
Then, we could force instant background checks on the possesion of Lava. Of course this would not apply while it is still underground, because it is Magma until it reaches the surface, but hey, theres always that one volcano that slips through the cracks and spews too many greenhouse gases.
Think Mt Pinutabo or St Helens.
Makes sense to me!!
Posted by: Mark Randall Kilburn | July 09, 2007 at 08:09 PM
Yor blog is terrific.
Thanks so much.
Linda Blondheim
Posted by: Linda Blondheim | July 11, 2007 at 09:44 AM
Here is another thought on bringing up standards in third world countries. Consider this: United States Army Special Forces specialize in training people in other countries. Hygeine, first aid, clean water technology, fighting, food sourcing,
equipment use and repair, communication,
land navigation....etc. They get the job DONE and usually on a relatively small budget. So who is putting the WHAMMY on these multi-million dollar attempts by bleeding heart ( celebrity ) do-gooders to help these poor countries? How come all this money does not seem to help? Think back to 1973 when the Concert for Bangladesh was the cool new Trend-d'Jour. Now where is Bangladesh? How many affluent first world people vacation in Bangladesh? How many of you have showered in (dirty soap scummy) grey water systems in the third world? Or contracted intestinal worms from contact with the soil?
My point being that these countries need hands on help in addition to just money.
They need chemicals from Dow-Corning, they need petroleum from Exxon, and they need clean dependable food & power sources from the evil Reptilian-Humanoid corporations like Archer Daniels Midland and Tyson and YES, last but not least HALLIBURTON!!
OH MY GOD!!! I said the H word!
Do I get my Jello ration cut off? WAAAA!!!!
Think about it, throwing money at problems
almost NEVER works, because the wrong people keep catching it.
Posted by: Mark Randall Kilburn | July 11, 2007 at 08:34 PM
Quite right...These countries are in need of hands on help in addition to money. I'm willing to help. Mark..wanna join me?
Posted by: Lisa | July 11, 2007 at 10:23 PM
No thanks, charity begins at home.
Posted by: Mark Randall Kilburn | July 11, 2007 at 10:35 PM
OK, I realize I probably need to check the PH level (a little acidic ?) of my bellicose opinions. I am new to blogging and this is FUN! People actually read what we write and respond (sometimes).
Posted by: Mark Randall Kilburn | July 12, 2007 at 08:29 PM
Things just have not been the same since the harmonic convergance......
Posted by: Mark Randall Kilburn | July 16, 2007 at 08:48 PM