Having been relatively out of the loop in my reading as of late, I visited the blogs of some old friends and was pleased to see that Jim Spadaccini of Ideum reports that museums have finally come around to seeing the beauty of blogging. While in the past, museums and galleries were late-comers to the notion of Internet, websites and Internet marketing, Spadaccini shows that as of October 18th, 233 museums have joined the blogosphere. While I really wouldn't consider this "main stream" it is good to see that the numbers are increasing weekly. "We’ve received more than 20 new submissions to museum blogs in a little over a week." says Spadaccini. I remember when I started ArtLOOK, only a handful of museums were using blogs and it's nice to see them taking advantage of the powerful tool known as the Internet.
Also be sure to check out MuseumBlogs.org for a listing of great additions to the museum blogosphere.